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Labbook 2015

POCT LABBOOK 2015 55 BLOOD GLUCOSE Highlights: •• Nova Max Plus incorporates advanced technology for accurate and precise self-monitoring of blood glucose and ketones by people with diabetes. •• Nova Max Plus has the most comprehensive features for fast, easy, and error-free blood glucose and ketone monitoring. Glucose and û-HydroxybutyrateAssays: 0,075 kgWeight: 91 x 58 x 23 mm (h x w x d)Dimensions: Nova Biomedical Ð Nova Max Plus Blood Glucose Monitor Kit Highlights: •• StatSensor Creatinine is a handheld analyzer and miniaturized, disposable biosensor for whole blood creatinine testing. •• StatSensor advanced technology enables simple rapid and accurate assessment of renal function by finger stick capillary blood sampling at the point of care. ••Minimize Risk of Contrast Media Induced Nephropa- thy (CMIN) - StatSensor provides rapid, point of care renal assessment prior to contrast media imaging •• Improve Productivity and Workflow - StatSensor point of care testing can prevent costly procedure room openings and workflow interruptions when patients arrive for imaging appointments without a current creatinine/eGFR workup. •• Improve Patient Satisfaction - StatSensor point of care testing can prevent patient dissatisfaction when renal function must be determined before an image procedure can be performed. CreatinineAssays: 0,266 kgWeight: 152 x 83 x 46 mmDimensions: (h x w x d) Nova Biomedical Ð StatSensor Creatinine POC Monitoring System Highlights: Simple point of care analyser to test the level of hemoglobin and hamtocrit from just one drop of blood. Hemo Control is easy to use and delivers results with a CV of <2% after 25Ð60 seconds. Hemoglobin and HematocritAssays: 0.7 kg 160 x 160 x 68 mm (h x w x d) Weight: Dimensions: EKF Diagnostics Ð Hemo Control CLINICAL CHEMISTRY Highlights: •• StatStrip Lactate is a handheld, true point-of-care testing system that brings lactate testing directly to the patient's bedside. •• StatStrip Lactate point-of-care testing provides the fastest turnaround time possible (13 seconds), on the smallest whole blood sample (0.6 microliters), and can be easily operated by medical and nursing staff. •• StatStrip Lactate is a very low cost device that makes lactate testing practical and affordable in any size ED, ICU, or Medical Unit. LactateAssays: 0,266 kgWeight: 152 x 83 x 46 mm (h x w x d)Dimensions: Nova Biomedical Ð StatStrip Lactate POC Analyzer LABBOOK 201555
