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Labbook 2015

36 LABBOOK 2015 Hematology Highlights: •• Great routine analyser with a broad portfolio of specialty testing •• Proven, reliable technical performance with advanced CS-technology •• High-quality results based on advanced multi-wavelength technology •• Minimal need for hands-on maintenance •• Traceability for operation history and results Sample throughput: up to 120 tests/h (PT) Dimensions: 540 x 760 x 690 mm (h x w x d) Weight: approx. 85 kg Assays: 20 simultaneously Sysmex Ð CS-1600 Highlights: •• Consolidates routine and specialised testing in a single analysis system •• Pre-analytic sample checks for interferences and over-/underfilling •• High-quality results based on advanced multi-wavelength technology •• Automated, high-accuracy platelet function testing by aggregometry •• Rule-based rerun & reflex testing •• Advanced inhibitor testing with cross-mixing tests •• Recognise and identify clotting disorders through clot waveform analysis •• CS-2400: open tube model, CS-2500: cap-piercing model Sample throughput: up to 180 tests/h (PT) Dimensions: 685 x 775 x 895 mm (h x w x d) Weight: approx. 110 kg Assays: 60 simultaneously Sysmex Ð CS-2400/2500 Highlights: This blood collection tube is developed to measure thrombocyte activity on the Multiplate analyser (multi- ple platelet function analyser). In 2008 Sarstedt AG & Co in cooperation with Dyna- byte / Verum Diagnostica (now Roche) was the first manufacturer to produce and launch a blood collection system with Hirudin as anticoagulant agent. During validation the S-Monovette Hirudin was compared to the Hirudin tube of Dynabyte. This was done internally by Sarstedt as well as externally by two independent institutions (Munich University Hospital, Westpfalz-Klinikum, Medical Clinic III). SARSTEDT Ð S-Monovette Hirudin - Thrombocyte function COAGULATION Highlights: SARSTEDT Ð The blood collection tube S-Monovette Thrombo- Exact has been developed especially for anticoagu- lant-induced pseudothrombocytopenia. Generally, pseudothrombocytopenia is caused by thrombocyte aggregation. Early detection avoids the consequences of a thrombocytopenia misdiagnosis. This blood collection tube is validated internally by Sarstedt and externally at the Universiy Hospital Rostock, Germany. S-Monovette ThromboExact

