Chemistry&Immunochemistry Highlights: max. 555 channels/sMRM transition speed: The LCMS-8040, first mass spectrometer on the market with a fast scanning speed (15000 u/s) and a fast po- larity switching is well suited for immunosuppressants and NBS analysis. 15 msecPolarity switching time: max. 15,000 u/s (0.1 u step: 150,000 data points/s) Scan speed: 1 pg reserpine, S/N > 10,000:1 (RMS)Sensitivity: MRM (max. 1,000 events x 32 channels)No of channels: Shimadzu Ð LCMS-8040 Highlights: 5 msecPolarity switching time: Built on the proven platform of the LCMS-8050, the new patented ion guides developed for the LCMS-8060 greatly improves sensitivity. It brings a meaningful impact to quantitative detection while maintaining high robustness. Max 30,000 u/sec (in all modes of scanning) (0.1 u step: 300,000 data points/sec) Scan speed 1 pg reserpine, S/N > 180,000:1 (RMS)Sensitivity: MRM (Max. 1,000 events x 32 channels)No of channels: 555 MRM/sMRM transition speed: Shimadzu Ð LCMS-8060 Highlights: With a heated ESI and a polarity switching 3 times higher than 8040, the LCMS-8050 is the right tool for analysis of a broad range of molecules including vitamin D and steroids. max. 555 channels/sMRM transition speed: 5 msecPolarity switching time: max. 30,000 u/s (0.1 u step: 300,000 data points/s) Scan speed: 1 pg reserpine, S/N > 60,000:1 (RMS)Sensitivity: MRM (max. 1,000 events x 32 channels)No of channels: Shimadzu Ð LCMS-8050 MASS SPECTROMETRY Highlights: Imaging mass spectrometry is a revolutionary new technology. The instrument is a combination of an op- tical microscope which allows the observation of high resolution morphological images, with a mass spec- trometer which identifies and visualizes the distribution of specific molecules. Superimposing the two images obtained based on these very different principles,has created a significant new research tool, the imaging mass microscope. The accurate and high resolution mass images from the iMScope will drive your research to the next level. At long last, we have entered the age of imaging mass spectrometry Shimadzu Ð iMScope TRIO 22 LABBOOK 2015