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Labbook 2015

MassSpectrometry 20 LABBOOK 2015 HYBRID/MASSSPECTROMETRY W ith its previous LCMS-8030, LCMS-8040 and LCMS-8050 triple-quadrupole systems, Shimadzu has set leading standards in terms of speed, sensitivity and functional design. With the introduction of the new LCMS-8060 (Figure 1), the success story of the LCMS-triple-quadrupole family reaches another milestone. In addition to its heated ESI source, the youngest member of the UFMS (ultra fast mass spectrometry) family combines all UF tech- nologies. These include the UFsweeper III, a collision cell filled with argon gas that, due to its high-speed technology, enables dwell times of 0.8 ms per MRM. Furthermore, the UF scan rate of 30000 Da/s and the UF polarity switching time of 5 ms is maintained. These properties were already outstanding in the LCMS-8050. Sen- sitivity was also increased through the new UF Qarray (Figure 2). With the powerful vacuum system of the LCMS-8060 and the optimized ion inlet consisting of a desolvation line (DL) and orifice, it has been possible to introduce an increased number of ions into the mass spectrometer. World's best sensitivity meets highest speed Using electrical fields, the new UF Qarray, based on quadrupole technology, minimizes ion scattering that occurs during transfer from the DL into the first vacuum chamber. The design of the advanced UF Qarray is similar to that of its predecessor and also retains the low susceptibility to contamination. Due to the novel design of the UF Qarray, ion focusing and entry of ions into the next ion chamber is optimized, ensuring an efficient ion beam. This effective ion focusing, together with an improved background noise reduction, leads to a significantly improved signal-to-noise ratio and thus to higher sensitivity (Figure 3). LABBOOK 2015 The new family member The fastest triple-quadrupole LCMS-8060 system extends LCMS product portfolio Changes Everything... Figure 1 The LCMS-8060 combines the highest speed with the world's best sensitivity.
