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DIAGNOSTICS ON THE MOVEON THE MOVEON THE MOVEON THE MOVEON THE MOVEON THE MOVEON THE MOVEON THE MOVEON THE MOVEON THE MOVEON THE MOVEON THE MOVEON THE MOVEON THE MOVEON THE MOVEON THE MOVEON THE MOVEON THE MOVE Halle 9 Stand A14 TUESDAY @ MEDICA6 EH @ MEDICA No 2 2015 some of the most pressing NHS chal- lenges. The trust’s acting chief executive Rob Forster said: ‘HealthIntell has huge promise for the NHS because it creates the right tools for the job by using the right people with the right expertise. We are already delivering applications that are making a differ- ence, with more to come.’ As well as helping hospitals to cope better with A&E pressures, the HealthIntell application also aims to help hospitals to meet waiting time targets by presenting real-time data to doctors and other decision mak- ers. The app can predict demand on a daily and hourly basis, and allows trusts to use their own data to iden- tify peaks and troughs – for example the likely rise in attendances due to bad weather or major sporting events. It has already produced positive results for WWL, which include a reduction in the average total length of stay in A&E from 160 minutes in April 2014 to 130 minutes in February 2015 – a drop of 18.75%, which is well within the four-hour target for NHS hospital. Information is presented in areas throughout the trust’s hospitals, including through a large 70-inch touchscreen installed in A&E, which helps ensure the right staff members are available to meet demand and the right numbers of beds are availa- ble for patients likely to be admitted. Mr Forster added: ‘At WWL we see 280 patients come into A&E every day, of which 60 will need a bed. To cope with this, and adhere to waiting time targets, we realised that having an accurate picture of what is happening is crucial. We can now plan ahead to meet demand.” He added that the trust has seen a direct impact of using the dash- board, with its A&E ranked the best performing among the eight acute trusts in the Greater Manchester area for the past six months. During the development phase, a team of medics and administrators met weekly to help develop the tool with the business intelligence team. ‘We are developing these applica- tions in real time with real staff and putting in real hospitals and making sure it works,’ said Forster. Further launch products include a Devolved Financial Management procurement app, which aims to help the NHS in managing budget- ary constraints. This app presents budget holders with a simple view of expenditure across the organisation to highlight areas of concern and explain variances, to enable a quick response. Report: Mark Nicholls An app to manage Accident & Emergency (A&E) services by pro- viding staff with real-time data on attendances in departments, can also predict demand on a daily and hourly basis. The Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh (WWL) NHS Foundation Trust in England devised the app. With more than 4,600 staff members, the 758-bed district general hospital serves approximately 318,000 people and provides specialist orthopaedic services to a much wider regional, national and international catchment area. The app also enables this trust to identify peaks and troughs in A&E, such as those that might be associ- ated with bad weather. The new suite of data report- ing tools has been launched in col- laboration with NHS Shared Business Services – a business support service for the NHS – and business intelli- gence experts at the WWL trust. Known as ‘HealthIntell’, this is a suite of reporting applications, exclu- sively for the NHS, that will help the service’s organisations address issues such as A&E winter pressures, pro- curement challenges and financial management. The initiative aims to enable the health service to harness the power of data and technology and address Due to its technically advanced inte- gration, user-friendly interface, and commitment to customer support, the healthcare IT firm Esaote has been granted Frost & Sullivan’s 2015 Europe Technology Leadership Award in the Cardiovascular Information Systems market. The firm produces enterprise-wide RIS, CVIS, and PACS territorial net- work solutions. Its Suitestensa plat- form is ‘… the most complete diag- nostic imaging software for work- flow management, from Modality to Enterprise IT systems, implementing Structured Report, 3-D/4-D image processing, Quantitative Analysis software, Endovascular Aortic Aneurysm Repair and TAVI work- flows, multiplatform Web & Mobile PACS Solutions,’ Esaote reports. The platform is dedicated to radi- ology, nuclear medicine, radiother- apy, breast imaging, interventional radiology, orthopaedics, as well as Ensuring physiotherapy patients stick to their rehabilitation exercises is not simple. The BioGaming virtual reality platform aims to help physi- otherapists to create exercise pro- grammes that could engage patients more than traditional methods. BioGaming has been designed by physiotherapists to create routines easily and pro- vide patients with clini- cally effective home pro- grammes to follow. ‘The BioGaming platform cap- tures a patient’s movements using the Microsoft Kinect, a state- of-the-art 3-D camera and motion detection device,’ the manufactur- er reports. ‘By using an advanced motion capture device, BioGaming enables precise tracking that gen- erates immediate biofeedback for patients, as well as detailed reports that the physiotherapist can use to monitor progress. By virtually plac- ing the patient inside the exercise games, BioGaming increases enjoy- ment and engagement, which leads to improved adherence.’ for the operating room, cardiac cath- eterisation, interventional cardiology, endovascular surgery, echocardiog- raphy, electrocardiography, electro- physiology, general cardiology, and cardiovascular surgery. Aiming for streamlined filmless BioGaming, which won the Innovation Award at MEDICA’s eHealth Venture Summit in 2014, has received its CE mark and ISO 13485 certification, opening up the and paperless workflows, advanced diagnostic analysis applications and effective integration of all software and modalities, Esaote confirms: ‘We are committed to enhance multi- disciplinary health services and multi- territorial data sharing, simplifying information mobility and telemedi- cine challenges.’ IT app raises A&E management quality IT firm gains leadership award Physiotherapy e virtual reality UK HOSPITAL DEVISES A DATA-REPORTING SUITE TO IMPROVE EMERGENCY CARE Rob Forster is Acting Chief Executive of Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh National Health Service Foundation Trust. He joined the trust as Deputy Director of Finance in April 2009, was appointed Director of Finance and Informatics in July 2011, and has been acting chief executive since February 2015. After qualifying in Law, Forster became a chartered accountant. However, since joining the NHS, he has worked to combine the best innovation from private and public sectors to deliver quality care for patients to help provide best value for money for the NHS. Esaote is at Medica Hall 09 / Stand A14 » BioGam Hall 05 » EH @ MEDICA No 22015

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