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TUESDAY @ MEDICA 5 EH @ MEDICA No 2 2015 with a particularly narrow endovagi- nal probe with a 210° angle which means even very young patients can be easily imaged without discomfort. Dr Frank Schure concluded: “We aim to provide excellent service with excellent results – and this is a goal we can only reach with excellent technology.” SAMSUNG DETAILS & CONTACT Samsung Electronics HME | Wim van de Vooren, Clinical Marketing Manager, Health Medical Equipment, Am Kronberger Hang 6, 65824 Schwalbach, Ts. Phone: +49 61 96 66-53 79 Mobile: +49 170 916 69 61 E-mail: d surgery Principles for quality assurance/evaluation of telemedical applications 1. Evaluation must be a mandatory part of planning and implementation of telemedical applications. 2. Planning and implementation of evaluations should include medical as well as methodological expertise. 3. Access to the data required for evaluation should be clear when planning the evaluation. 4. The basis for a prospective evaluation a priori should be a description of, and transparent documentation of, telemedical applications, the target group and the care objectives (among others, access, added value for the patient, benefit, patient safety, preservation of existing structures, cost effectiveness, speed) as well as of any intended implementation and inclusion of telemedicine into standard medical care. 5. The baseline (including patient characteristics and process features) should be described in detail and be transparently documented as the basis for a prospective evaluation. 6. The choice of the type of evaluation should be carried out depending on the objective of the evaluation, the implementation and development standard of the telemedical application and on an appropriate evidence level. 7. The evaluation should include process as well as results parameters under consideration of medical, technical and economic aspects. 8. The outcomes to be measured should be patient, user and care relevant and should be chosen depending on the objective of the application, the target group and the developmental standard of the application. The instruments to be used should be of a high standard (reliability, validity). 9. The evaluation should be carried out with adequate means to reduce systematic distortions and interference factors. 10. The evaluation plans and results should be registered and published fully, transparently and independent of the results,such as in the Database for Care Research Germany. ** These ground rules were passed word for word by the panel of experts of the CSS Telehealth Eastern Saxony project in the context of a consensus workshop. Any modifications are prohibited. tion of telemedically supported care concepts is an essential prerequisite for their comprehensive implementa- tion. This requires interdisciplinarily accepted evaluation principles that can help achieve effective qual- ity assurance in the sense of a self- learning system. ‘The evidence- and consensus based principles we devel- oped make an important contribu- tion towards this,’ Madlen Scheibe is sure. A detailed publication on the evalu- ation principles and their develop- ment methodology is currently being prepared. The project, entitled ‘CSS Telehealth Eastern Saxony’, was implemented jointly by Carus Consilium Sachsen GmbH and T-Systems International GmbH and was made a reality by financial support from the European Regional Development Fund as well as from the Free State of Saxony. EH @ MEDICA No 22015 Phone: +49619666-5379 Mobile: +491709166961

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