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Radbook 2017

Our CT injection systems (Medrad® Stellant, Medrad® Salient) are based on tried and tested technology with an excellent reliability track record. The highly (cid:29) exible and easy to use injectors of the Medrad Stellant series meet the needs of even the most advanced CT imaging procedures and contribute to an improved work(cid:29) ow. The Medrad Stellant injectors, togeth- er with the above mentioned MRXperion, are IT-ready and available with the Certegra® Work- station, intelligently connecting contrast media, injector and patient information with CT scan and other data from the RIS / HIS of your insti- tute for highly reproducible results. (cid:31) e power of connected radio logy: Informatics Solutions INJECTORS  ◼   ence. Through integration into the existing IT infrastructure and radiology equipment via the respective interfaces, Radimetrics intelligently connects contrast, injector and scan informa- tion into a seamlessly smart solution. Together with Radimetrics dataanalysis capabilities this helps institutions generate diagnostic quality images more safely, consistently and e(cid:30) ciently, in line with radiation standards and regulations, and facilitates information exchange with other involved parties, such as healthcare systems or dose registries. While Radimetrics collects and distributes information at the enterprise level, the Certegra products provide support at the point of care, allowing for greater control over the quality and consistency of patient care. Transcription errors are reduced and the work(cid:29) ow is accelerated through the integrated data capture, tracking and distribution capabilities of Certegra. Key fea- tures of the Certegra products are personalized contrast dose management, user-friendly point of care data entry. Peace of Mind with Bayer Equipment Service The Bayer Equipment Service optimizes uptime, maximizes value and ensures safety, so you will always get the best out of your Bayer product. This customized service approach, which includes pre- dictive maintenance, calibrations and remote support, guarantees Bayer products keep performing at their peak e(cid:30) ciency, giving customers the peace of mind to focus entirely on their patients. Our goal at Bayer is integration within radiology Bayer Radiology’s range of products covers everything beyond the scanner, from a large selection of contrast media to power injectors and from innovative informatics solutions to our excellent Equip- ment Service. Radiology gets smarter and so does our portfolio of all you need to improve your imaging acquisition work(cid:29) ow. This integrated approach has resulted in one of the most comprehen- sive packages of radiology products available and guarantees that Bayer Radiology is more than just the sum of its parts. Combined modality scanners, computer-aided diagnosis, data manage- ment – there are many future challenges in the (cid:31) eld of radiology. Bayer Radiology keeps track of current developments and provides customers with the products, services and the knowledge to master these challenges. The new Bayer-MEDRAD MRXperion: thanks to its streamlined Injection Work(cid:31) ow allows more focus on the patient. It is Informatics-ready in order to facilitate and optimize protocols No other specialty exceeds radiology in its need for managing big data. Proper integra- tion of advanced informatics systems into radiology department o(cid:28) ers multiple bene(cid:31) ts such as improved diagnostic accuracy and enhanced communication with patients, colleagues, and referring physicians, and at the same time avoids the data overload that already exists. One should keep in mind that to maximize the gain of the informatics solutions, their integration and implementation has to occur seamlessly. To this end Bayer has developed the web- based vendor neutral Radimetrics™ Enterprise Platform*. Radimetrics is a multi-modality solution, spanning CT, NM, X-ray, MRI interventional and many more. It provides radiation dose, con- trast dose and scanner usage information all in one user experi- * Requires Medrad injection system and Certegra Workstation Radimetrics Enterprise Platform is a web-based system for monitoring and managing patient radiation exposure and contrast dose, it intelligently connects with radiology work(cid:31) ow and the hospital IT infrastructure References 1 Scott LJ. Clin Drug Investig. 2013; 33(4):303-14 2 Zech CJ et al. Magn Reson Med Sci. 2007; 6(1):43–52 RADBOOK 2017 39
