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Colour Outside the Lines EUROPEAN HOSPITAL  Vol 24 Issue 1/15 24 EH @ ECR New device provides 3-D panorama, 2-D sequential imaging and more… Safer head and neck imaging‘The engineering evolution of the NewTom range has delivered an ultra-modern, ultra-technological, ultra-competitive device – the most complete CBCT,’ the device manu- facturer reports. ‘NewTom VGi evo performs 3-D imaging, panoramic imaging, telera- diography and 2-D sequential imag- ing. The device introduces a new image chain, which includes fea- tures that increase standard CBCT performances, such as an enlarged flat panel sensor, with an improved signal/noise ratio and a rotating anode generator with a 0.3 mm focal spot.’ With 51 scan modes, NewTom VGi evo adapts to specific needs of different clinical applications. The FOV range goes from 5x5 cm to 24x19cm, recommended for Head & Neck applications. NewTom also introduces SHARP 2-D technology, enabling the VGi evo to generate a complete set of 2-D images (AP, PA and LL cephalometric images), the manufacturer explains, adding: ‘It also features the CineX function, a dynamic sequence of 2-D images for analysing swallowing, salivary ducts, TMJ with contrast and flexion and extension of spine.’ Dose reduction To protect users, the device uses pulsed emission that activates the X-ray source only when needed and a total exposure for a stand- ard exam takes only 1.8 seconds. Further dose reduction is achieved by using VGi evo’s new Eco Scan mode, available for all FOV, com- bined with SafeBeam technology. Details: the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (SCMR). Just like its international models, the DGK curriculum is divided into three CMR-levels. Level 1 and 2 will provide the basis for a cardiologist to assess the indica- tions, perform and interpret CMR examinations correctly in a large database of patients with a broad range of cardiovascular diseases. The third level will enable the cardiologist to lead a CMR labora- tory and to perform scientific CMR examinations at a defined high level. However, this curriculum is only a first, modest step; Prof. Katus believes there is still much to do to integrate CMR into cardiovascu- lar medicine as envisaged by the cardiologists. At the conference, Katus pleaded for CMR to become a mandatory part of training for all those specialising in cardiol- ogy, and for CMR-qualifications to be recognised in all German Federal States – currently not yet the case. He pointed out that safe performance of cardiac MRI inves- tigations in patients with critical heart disease, and proper inter- pretation of the functional MRI images, requires in-depth training and substantial expertise in clini- cal cardiology. Reimbursement Katus also argued for the statuto- ry health insurers to comprehen- sively cover all out-patient CMR examinations without any limi- tations, and for in-patient CMR examinations to be reimbursed as a ‘separate charge’ (currently, cardiac MRI is only accounted for by being included in lump sum payments). The professor also made a fur- ther demand in the name of the DGK, thereby venturing into some- what controversial territory. He called for the equal treatment of cardiologists and radiologists from an accounting perspective, because the statutory medical insurers cur- rently only reimburse costs if CMR is carried out and evaluated by a radiologist qualified in cardiac MRI. However, as recently as 2014 and in response to a lawsuit from a cardiologist, the Federal Social Court of Germany upheld the cur- rent regulation that governs that only sufficiently qualified radiolo- gists are entitled to receive reim- bursements for CMR costs. In its decision, the court referred to, among other regulations, the ‘Two-Man Rule’, which remains intact as long as the division of duties between radiologists and cardiologists continues. The prin- ciple is also used to ensure that diagnosis is made independent of potential financial interests. Continued from page 23 Cardiologists gain MRI training

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