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0 5 25 75 95 100 DC-70广告(210x280+3mm) 2015年1月20日 9:41:29 23EH @ ECR Standardised CMR education Cardiologists gain MRI training dose 40% Seeing a substantially increasing importance of the cardiac MRI procedure, cardiologists have developed a specialist cardiac MRI training programme for their colleagues, Bettina Döbereiner reports because it saves time and contrast dose while reducing the patient’s radiation dose. In addition, the radiologist noted, ‘We have no problems with patients who are unable to lie flat or have ridiculously high heart rates, or even atrial fibrillation. They can be scanned perfectly, showing coro- nary arteries at low dose. This really works. We can scan anyone.’ Over the last two years technical developments in cardiac MRI have undoubtedly had a major impact on cardiovascular medicine. To acknowledge this development, at least to some extent, the German Cardiac Society (DGK) has devel- oped a specialist Cardio-MRI train- ing programme. This January, Professor Hugo Katus, Head of the DGK’s Working Group for Training and Advanced Training, introduced the new curriculum at the annual DGK press conference in Berlin. These days, cardiovascular medicine would be inconceiv- able without cardiac MRI and, according to Prof. Katus, who is also Medical Director of the Clinic for Cardiology, Angiology and Pulmonology at the University Hospital Heidelberg, its impor- tance will continue to grow. Therefore, Katus and his DGK colleagues aim to ensure that this imaging procedure has a firm place in out- and in-patient cardio- vascular medicine Unified standards As a first step, the society’s car- diologists have developed an addi- tional qualification in Cardio-MRI, which members of their profession can attain. The initiators hope that the curriculum (V. Hombach et al, Curriculum Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Tomography (CMR), in: Cardiology 2014, 8:451-451) devel- oped by the DGK Working Group will set the first, unified stand- ards for well-conceived MRI train- ing (education CMR curriculum) across Germany. Advanced training in this field is closely aligned with existing international curricula, such as those developed by the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and Continued on page 24

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