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Visit ATS Booth #724 Disposable & Reusable Masks for PFT, Acute Care NIV, CPAP, & HBO2 Therapy, Lung Simulators, DLco Simulator, Syringe Volume Validators, O2 Conserver Tester, Flow Measurement Instrumentation, Pneumotachs, Flow Resistors, Valves, Mouthpieces, Bags, Nose Clips. 913-422-7788 Visit Booth # 16D/20-15 (USA Pavilion) Y O U R S T E R I L E S I N G L E - U S E S O L U T I O N W I T H O U T C O M P R O M I S E t +44 (0) 1792 797 910 e w CELEBRATING 10 YEARS Visitusat Hall16F42 10Years ofInnovation inSingle-Use Surgery MONDAY @ MEDICA 13 EH @ MEDICA No 1 2015 viders more flexibility and safeguard their investment over the long term. *Acuson NX3 ultrasound system is not commercially available in all countries. Due to regulatory reasons its future availability cannot be guaranteed. Contact a local Siemens organisation for details. 2.54±0.45 mm and from 1.91±0.44 mm to 2.23±0.48 mm respectively (no significant differences in RA and UA diameters). For the 24 RACs that did not have a final failure, the median num- ber of cannulation attempts was 9 and the median CVTS was 8.5. Comparatively, the CVTS for the four RACS that developed a final failure was 8.3 and the mean number of blood draws was 5±3.3. Median time to initial dampening of the RA waveform was 5.9 hours in 22 dif- ferent cases. By using the S9’s color Doppler, the team was able to measure the velocities in the RA and UA arter- ies after RAC insertion. In the RA artery, the peak velocity decreased from 56.2±18.7 to 36.6 cm/s after the RAC was inserted. Peak velocity in the UA however, increased from 53.7±19.3 to 63.4±20.5 cm/s after insertion of the RAC. Ultrasound scans also did not indicate a differ- ence in vessel diameter or blood flow velocity when comparing successful RACs to that of the four that devel- oped a final failure; however this may be attributed to the limited number of final failures that were observed. There was also no difference in velocity patterns or in diameter in the RACs that failed compared to those that did not fail. The conclusions from this study are threefold. Both the RA and UA experienced significant dilation after RAC insertion. The data suggested that vasodilation and increased blood flow around the catheter may help to prevent thrombosis and protect the function of the arterial catheter. In some patients, the peak blood flow velocity significantly decreased after insertion of a 20 g catheter, especially in RA with a small inner diameter. With the S9, in vivo observations were possible to reveal what caused RAC failure during the patient’s clini- cal course. Failures consisted primar- ily of torturous vascular anatomy and RAC tip obstruction, thrombus formation on the RAC tip, and par- tial/complete thrombosis of the RA lumen. Case 1: US scan taken shortly after the nurse was unable to draw blood. The US over the RA revealed that the catheter was no longer in the vessel lumen but instead in the subcutaneous tissue, adjacent to the artery Pre and Post Insertion of RAC Peak Blood Flow Velocity Doppler Ultrasound Case 2: When dampening of the BP waveform, the US image showed the catheter tip to be positioned against the vessel wall. This event was intermittent. The waveform returned to normal when the catheter tip was more centred high t +44 (0) 1792797910 e w EH @ MEDICA No 12015

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