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Medica_Montag · m a d eS w i s s YOUR SPECIALIST FOR RESORBABLE IMPLANTS, from idea to manufacturing OEM/CM Tablet Crushing ... child´s play! SANCTUS GmbH, Osternacher Str. 50, 83209 Prien am Chiemsee, Deutschland M:+49 157 58548287, F:+49 841 97061032, Halle 3 / E83 Booth Bayern Innovativ Gynaecology & Obstetrics Innovative single-use solutions Visit us in HALL 16/F42 Medica 105x70mm_AW1.indd 1 18/08/2015 11:06 MONDAY @ MEDICA12 EH @ MEDICA No 1 2015 Using SonoScape’s S9 hand carry ultrasound system, students and staff from the Department of Radiology/ Ultrasound and Anesthesiology at Sidney Kimmel Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University recent- ly finished a study of mechanisms related in the cause of radial artery catheter failure. Radial artery cath- The Acuson NX3* and Acuson NX3 Elite*, two new ultrasound systems from Siemens Healthcare, are on show at this year’s Medica Trade Fair. ‘Both mid-range systems offer a sim- ple, intuitive interface combined with innovative imaging solu- tions for examinations primarily in general medicine, obstetrics/ gynaecology, paediatrics and neurology,’ the manufacturer reports. The Siemens Acuson NX3 features a new way of scan- ning with three times more cus- tomisable keys and faster workflow with 28% fewer keystrokes (data based on comparisons with competi- tor scanners using publicly available documents). ‘The customisable control panel and touch screen combined with Siemens innovative workflow innovations make it possible to perform certain routine anatomical measurements up to 76 percent faster than tra- ditional solutions,’ the firm adds. ‘The Acuson NX3 systems are equipped with the largest LED monitor (21.5”) and the biggest touch screen (10.4”) in their class, improving time to report.’ For daily routines, the Acuson NX3 systems feature advanced ultra- sound innovations, including Clarify Vascular Enhancement technology. ‘This Siemens exclusive technology provides multiple levels of clarifica- tion to optimise tissue contrast reso- lution and definition of both tissue and vessel walls.’ Higher image resolution is enabled with the firm’s 16 MHz transducer, especially suitable for breast and musculoskeletal imaging. ‘Another exclusive solution is the 220-degree endocavity transducer, which offers up to a 75 percent larger field of view than standard probes,’ Siemens adds. Susan Black, Programme Director and Senior Sonographer at Mercy Medical Center, in Canton, Ohio, USA, adds that use of the Acuson NX3 is simple to learn. ‘Its’ easy to use, easy to learn, and this helps when I’m training staff because I don’t have to spend a lot of time teaching them how to use the sys- tem. We can get patients in and out a lot quicker.’ Users of these ultrasound systems are provided with a wide range of services, including access to Siemens’ 24-hour remote service with its selec- tion of online services. Optional add- on applications give healthcare pro- eters (RAC) are commonly used in the emergency department, operat- ing rooms and critical care units of a hospital to accurately monitor the arterial blood pressure and acquire blood samples. With the use of SonoScape’s S9 ultrasound system, the researchers hoped to discover why RAC fail prematurely and the causes of complications related to RAC clinical use. The clinical trial was designed to determine the causes of RAC failure and to confirm if a low artery diameter to catheter diameter ratio leads to decreased local blood flow and thrombosis. For this IRB-approved study, 25 patients requiring a RAC for clinical care were enrolled. To evaluate and monitor the RAC insertions as well as blood flow dynamics in the radial and ulnar arteries, the 25 patients were scanned with a 12 MHz linear array probe before RAC insertion, immedi- ately after, and intermittently during the day and the night (for 24 to 36 hours). By using the S9 ultrasound, they were able to literally see what was happening in the ulnar and radial arteries of the patients. Using the S9’s grayscale and Doppler technology, measurements were taken of blood flow and the diameters of both the ulnar and radi- al arteries. Assessments of RAC inser- tion factors also allowed for meas- urements for the composite vessel trauma score for respective arteries after insertion. To analyze the data, a paired Student t-test and a Wilcoxon Rank-Sum test were used to compare results. For the purpose of the study, a RAC initial failure and final failure were classified as difficulty/inability to aspirate blood through the RAC or a dampening/loss of the blood pres- sure waveform. A total of 211 ultrasound scans were obtained from the 25 patients. From the 25 patients, 21 experienced a RAC initial failure and four patients experienced a RAC final failure. Each failed for a different reason: ranging from the catheter being outside of the vessel and in the subcutane- ous tissue, the RA catheter tip was against the arterial wall, thrombus on the catheter tip partially/completely obstructed the RA catheter lumen, and thrombus within the RA lumen partially/completely obstructed RA blood flow. Soon after RA catheter inser- tion, the RA and UA inner diam- eters increased from 2.21±0.4 mm to RA scanning using SonoScappe S9 Ultrasound Unit (Shenzhen, China) Uterine midline view with the EC10-5 transducer ACUSON NX3 ultrasound system S9’s cross section ultrasound image of a catheter post insertion within a patient’s radial artery. Peri-operative ultrasound monitoring Easy to learn yet h performance US Siemens is at Medica Hall 10 / Stand A20 Sonoscape is at Medica Hall 09 / Stand E25 M:+4915758548287, F:+4984197061032, Medica 105x70mm_AW1.indd 118/08/201511:06 EH @ MEDICA No 12015

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