ROBOTICS 5 State of the art and latest advances in technology Robotic assistance in the operating room Surgical robots are becoming widespread in operating the- atres, delivering accuracy and safety. An overview of the main systems, principal operators, the market and European initiatives in this field. of procedures. Modern surgery has come a long way in the past decades, thanks to improved techniques, tools and medical equipment. However, traditional surgery still has some limitations, including accuracy as well as fatigue and hand tremors in surgeons, which can impact the quality For example, with spinal surgery, accu- racy of movement must be better than 2 mm to avoid spinal cord in- jury. The threshold for errors is very low too, with a rate lower than 3% being necessary to avoid serious com- plications. In brain surgery, these margins become even smaller, with movement accuracy > 1 mm and error rates > 2%. Ophthalmic sur- gery takes this to the extreme, with an accuracy than 0.5 mm to avoid corneal damage, and error rates less than 1%. postoperative limit better 1.5 million robot-assisted procedures each year These limitations have led to the emergence of robot-assisted sur- gery, which has dramatically in- creased the accuracy of surgical procedures while reducing hospi- talisation times and postoperative complications. Surgical robots have been designed for use in a wide variety of surgical procedures across multiple fields, including cardiology, gynaecology, and urol- ogy. The latter has seen an especially pronounced surge in robotic use; while in 2008, only 1.5% of urology surgery was performed with robot assistance, this has skyrocketed to over 43% today, according to vari- ous hospital sources. In total, some 1.5 million surgical procedures are performed worldwide using sur- gical robots. The advantages of this are manifold, including access to difficult areas through the use of slender, flexible robotic arms and on-board cameras, stable navi- gation of surgical instruments, sig- nificant reductions in operating times and hospital stays, as well as a reduction in postoperative com- plications infections, etc.). (bleeding, According to the colloquium paper “The state of the art of robotic sur- gery”, presented in October 2022 in Lyon, France, at the French As- sociation of Biomedical Engineers congress, 71 technology options for automation and assistance with surgical gestures are currently available companies around the world. from 63 The procedures that have bene- fited most from surgical robotics include prostate removal and renal ureter repair, gastrectomy, chole- cystectomy and colectomy, plus heart valve surgery and coronary bypass surgery, along with total hip and knee replacements. This is hip. This advanced robotics for op- timised orthopaedic surgery pro- ject has been awarded a €3.5 mil- lion grant. Since its inception in 2018, the French startup has rapidly validated its proprietary al- gorithm based on pre- and intra- operative data collected via an ob- servational study on 100 patients. ‘We aim to offer the first compact, intuitive and cost- ergonomic, effective says Cahen. This next generation of robot introduces computer vision- driven intelligence and perception into the operating theatre, allowing contactless localisation of the pa- tient’s anatomy and opening the way to data-driven operating the- atres. robotic device,’ Microsure, based in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, is a spin-off from Eindhoven University of Tech- nology (TU/e), and has developed the world’s first clinically available CE-marked microsurgery robot. The Meet MUSA project, funded by the EU to the tune of more than €2.6 million, will tackle the ob- stacles to successful product roll- out, including scaling up and opti- mising manufacture. Mechanics, electronics engineers, software de- velopers and control engineers at Microsure have designed a system where surgeons look through 3D glasses at a large screen connected to a digital microscope positioned above the patient. The movements made by the surgeon using joys- ticks are detected and transformed into highly accurate movement of the small, lightweight robot at- tached to a platform fitted with arms able to hold and manipulate microsurgical instruments. In a 2020 study, surgeons reported using MUSA to treat breast cancer lymphoedema, a chronic condition that commonly occurs as a side ef- fect of cancer treatment and is characterised by a swelling of body tissue as a result of a build-up of fluids. To perform the surgery, the robot sutures tiny lymph vessels measuring just 0.3 to 0.8 mm in di- ameter to nearby veins in the af- fected area. ‘Given this large unmet need in microsurgery, we are con- vinced that the time is right to launch MUSA on the market,’ said Sjaak Deckers, CEO of Microsure. The company will introduce MUSA across Europe by 2029, confident that that it will achieve major social and economic impact. ■ Report: Bernard Banga MUSA, the world’s first clinically available CE marked microsurgery robot © Microsure BV a burgeoning market expected to be worth $14.9 billion by 2028. Three robotic systems The top five surgical robot manu- facturers by market share in 2020 were Intuitive Surgical, Stryker, Medtronic, Zimmer Biomet, and Smith & Nephew. Intuitive Surgical supplies four robots for urology, ENT, abdominal and gynaecology surgery – the Da Vinci and Ion platforms. These have a market share of more than 69% between them. Stryker has the Malo plat- form, with a motorised arm hold- ing cutting instruments (oscillating saw, acetabular burr) linked to an infrared stereoscopic system for partial knee replacement surgery. Medtronic has developed two sys- tems: a semi-automatic navigation assistant named the Mazor X Stealth Station, for rectifying spinal deformity, and the Hugo RAS multi-port remote guidance sys- tem. Zimmer Biomet markets a semi- automatic navigation assistant for partial and total knee replacement, its Rosa Knee robot. Finally, Smith & Nephew has the Navio FPS plat- form, a manual navigation assistant using a handpiece combined with an optical navigation system de- signed for partial and total knee arthroplasty. Faced with the emerg- ence of numerous surgical robots, the biomedical and equipment de- partment at Geneva University Hospitals in Switzerland, together Five generations of surgical robots 1980 – neurosurgery. The first generation of surgical robots was developed for neurosurgery. The robot was used to position a probe in the brain with great precision. This first generation of robots were manufactured by AESOP Medical (US) and ZEUS Robotics (Canada). The AESOP robot was controlled by a remote surgeon, while the ZEUS robot had a more advanced interface, allowing the sur- geon to control the robot’s movement. 1990 – remote control. The second generation of surgical robots saw the intro- duction of robotic laparoscopy surgery. The robot was able to control the surgical instruments remotely, allowing the surgeons greater precision and ease of use. The manufacturers of this generation of robots were Intuitive Surgical, Computer Motion, and SRI International, all from the US. The Intuitive Surgical robots were the most advanced, offering surgeons greater dexterity, accuracy, and stability. 2000 – more indications. The third generation of surgical robots was characte- rised by the extension of robotic surgery to include cardiac and orthopaedic sur- gery. Robots from this generation were more compact, easier to use and more precise than previously. The manufacturers here were Intuitive Surgical, MAKO Surgical, plus Mazor Robotics from Israel. Intuitive Surgical robots dominated the market with their advanced technology, high precision, and ease of use. 2010 – the limits of precision pushed back. The fourth generation of surgical ro- bots saw the introduction of precision robotic surgery, with robots capable of even more precise movements and control of surgical instruments. The robots in this generation were also smaller and more portable than before. Manufacturers included Intuitive Surgical, TransEnterix and Verb Surgical, all from the US. 2020 – artificial intelligence enters the operating theatre. Surgical robots use ar- tificial intelligence (AI) to improve the precision, speed, safety, and reliability of surgical operations. For instance, the French company Robocath has developed R One, a robotic system for assisting cardiac surgery which uses AI to learn a sur- geon’s exact movements in order to optimise the pathways taken by surgical in- struments. with the Swiss Foundation for In- novation and Training (SFITS), have just published a guide listing and classifying all automation and assistance technology options for surgical gestures. This collabor- ative effort is the result of a year- long survey of robots on the mar- ket. ‘The process of choosing and introducing these high-tech sys- tems into the complex environ- ment of the hospital must be sub- ject to a structured and complete methodological ex- plains Hervé Jacquemoud. approach,’ His team distinguishes between guidance assistants, laparoscopy devices and telesurgery systems. ‘Depending on whether the guid- ance assistants have a motorised arm, an instrument holder and whether they perform the pro- cedure autonomously, we classify these into visualization assistants and manual, semi-automatic or automatic guidance assistants,’ the expert continues. Within the cat- egory of automatons, robots are sub-classified as motorised or non- motorised augmented instruments, or motorised endoscope holders. Finally, telesurgery systems are said to be single-port when only one incision is required, and multi- port for several. Future generations of surgical robotics supported by the EU The number of knee replacement procedures in OECD countries is expected to increase from 2.4 mil- lion procedures today to 5.7 mil- lion by 2030. ‘Currently, 95% of procedures are performed with no robotic assistance and with a very high patient dissatisfaction rate of more than 20%,’ observes Sophie Cahen, co-founder and CEO of Ga- nymed Robotics. Her med-tech company, based in Paris, France, has been selected by the EU for in- clusion in a project which hopes to develop a compact robot to make joint replacement surgery more precise and less invasive. The in- itial focus is on total knee replace- ment, though Ganymed is looking to expand this to other joints in- cluding the shoulder, ankle and