9 Frederick Klauschen MD is a pathologist, physicist, lecturer and consultant as well as Head of the Molecular and Systems Pathology Group in the Institute for Pathology at the Charité University Clinic in Berlin. Up to 2009 he wor- ked at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, USA and he is currently a Junior Fellow at the Einstein Foundation in Berlin. is completely digitised – one in the Netherlands, the other in Sweden. Despite the numerous challenges the pathologist believes that digital pathology means progress, which, in future, will also play an important part in the integration of conventional-morphological and molecular patho- logy. ‘Fluorescence-in-situ hybridisation visualises genetic changes in the tissue. Digitisation and computer-assisted evaluation can be of enormous benefit here. ‘I also believe that digital pathology will become important for the interpretation of molecular pro- files in the tissue context.’ MARCEL RASCH 2. Ki67 Quantifier: Computer-assisted diagnosis for the determination of the Ki67-proliferation index in breast cancer. This shows the analysis result of the original image 1. Black: Stroma, red: Ki67-posi- tive tumour cells, green: Ki67-negative tumour cells