7 The next steps, supported by a government innovation grant, are to establish routes to commercialisation with partners having been identified to transform it into a product from the prototypes, with large-scale validation studies planned for next year. Professor Lundin also sees portable digital pathology microscopy being used in parallel with larger high throughput scanners, suppor- ting single pathologists in smaller units, a move he believes would open the world of digital pathology to more practitioners. The mobile microscope would also be well suited for research work, including the study of tissue and cell samples to identify the expres- sion of biomarkers in cancer research, believes Professor Lundin. MARK NICHOLLS In the three-year pilot programme, patient samples will be diagnosed both on location and remotely based on the digitised sample. In such countries, he believes MoMic will make an impact in the diagnosis of cancer as well as infectious diseases including ma- laria, tuberculosis or stool parasites. Other tests are under way in Finland for cancer diagnostics during surgery, using the device away from the lab for pathologists to view samples to check tumour margins and ensure the lymph nodes are clear from cancer Professor Johan Lundin is Research Director at the Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM) hosted by the University of Helsinki and Guest Professor in Medical Technology at Karolins- ka Institutet, Stockholm, and also Associate Professor in Biomedi- cal Informatics at the University of Helsinki. His key research aims are to fully utilize development within in- formation and commu- nication technologies for improvement of diagnostics and care of the individual patient.