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EH 1_2016 21 EH @ ECR Ultrasound speeds to the point of care The precise emergency strength portable of UCAs in more than 7,000 children noticed only 0.8% transient adverse events, such as dysuria, haematuria, urinary retention, urinary tract infec- tion, perianal irritation, abdominal or urethral discomfort etc. These are more likely related to bladder cath- eterisation than the UCAs. All these studies show high safety profile of UCAs administered either intravesi- cally or intravenously.’ Are there established safety meas- ures to protect children? ‘As mentioned, the first safety meas- ure is the proper indication for CEUS. We also have to consider the described limitations or contraindi- cations related to UCAs. ‘For intravesical application of UCA there is no need for extra safety measures. ‘Due to the possibility of a poten- tial anaphylactoid reaction, we are more cautious of UCAs during IV administration, the precautionary measures are the same as for other contrast agents and a possible ana- phylactopid reaction and they are an integral part of the equipment in our examination rooms.’ ‘I’ll begin my elastography presenta- tion by explaining the basics of the technique and the different types of sonoelastography. I’ll also explain how we perform elastography in my department. Then, I‘ll discuss the main indications in paediatric prac- tice with an overview of some pub- lished literature for hepatic imaging. ‘I will also talk about the non- hepatic fields of elastography in children, for example in kidneys and muscles. I will end the talk with the very recent use in children of elastography by MRI, and its recent developments. I will also emphasise the need for further research in the field of elastography.’ Seattle-based medical ultrasound systems manufacturer SonoSite has aimed to take ultrasound to the point of care (POC) since it was owned by ATL. The parent company had gained a contract from the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to develop a lightweight ultrasound device for military use. SonoSite took on the task and, from 1998, successfully strode into the civil sector with its compact, high performance portable systems for hospital use. Today the firm has 26 subsidiaries in its global sales net- work to serve over 100 countries. In 2011, SonoSite became part of Fuji Film Holding. At Medica 2015, SonoSite pre- sented the new ultrasound system iViz. Torsten Walther, a seasoned sales manager formerly with GE Healthcare, handles SonoSite’s busi- ness in Germany. ‘SonoSite,’ he pre- dicts, ‘is well positioned to gain ground. We’ll look closely at our users: where and how they use our systems and which additional appli- cations are possible?’ While in many other countries, ultrasound systems are already being used in a broad range of applications, he believes Germany lags behind, particularly in emergency medicine. Ultrasound systems are not standard equipment in every emergency department and therefore not necessarily available. Walther is also emphatic about training: ‘Across the Atlantic train- ing is much more of an investment focus. That’s a sensible approach, because many innovations organical- ly evolve from the training ground.’ In Germany, SonoSite is supporting emergency care training centres with hardware and personnel. iViz plays a major role in this. ‘Participants in the training sessions get to know the system and we are sure they will positively remember the equipment and service quality.’ Walther counts on the junior phy- sicians, because they are usually open for innovative ultrasound sys- tems and their new possibilities, he says. ‘We should keep in mind that a resident physician will move up the hospital career ladder, or into pri- vate practice – positions where he/ she will make investment decisions.’ SonoSite can already draw on cus- tomers who are very willing to share their positive experience. Brian Leck, Vice President & General Manager of Global Direct Sales, explains about the interna- tional market ‘Every sale, every process, every product is different.’ Nevertheless, it is crucial to take into account cultural and regulatory features. ‘As long as you understand which part is universal, you will be successful in every market,’ he emphasises. However, the ‘basics’ need adaptation for each country: ‘I like challenges. ‘We have to develop a structure that works – for our cus- tomers and the company. Flexibility is our strength. We do things in weeks instead of month or years.’ As SonoSite’s flagship product, the iViz expands the portable US port- folio. Volker Keller, Senior Marketing Manager in Germany, is positive that his product is a top performer. He underscores the particularly high degree of data security iViz offers. Unlike a regular tablet, which is equipped with an app, the iViz is a proprietary medical-grade system that is fully integrated and fully pro- tected against external access and internal system crashes. The large transducer port enables high quality images to be transmitted quickly. The iViz is also well suited to orthopaedic and sports medicine, in which physicians look for ultrasound machines that offer good quality images combined with speed and ease of use, more than having a wide range of functions, they explain. The system is ‘plug and play’ due to pre-defined settings, and it boots up within 20 seconds, so an image can be taken within a minute. Keller adds: in line with SonoSite’s roots, the system also complies with mili- tary requirements regarding applica- tion safety and data security. Consultant paediatric radiologist Damjana Ključevšek MD graduated from the Ljubljana medical faculty in 1989 and gained her PhD in 2009. Today, she is assistant professor of radiology for medical and postgraduate students at the University Medical Centre of Ljubljana Children’s Hospital. Ključevšek is also a member of the European Society of Paediatric Radiology and works as a European coordinator for paediatric radiology in Slovenia. Mehrak Anooshiravani-Dumont gained her medical degree in 1989 at the Free University of Brussels and completed her radiology training in Belgium in 1994. She has since focused on paediatric radiology and currently works in the paediatric radiology department at Geneva University Hospital, Switzerland. She is an active member of the Swiss Society of Radiology and the Swiss Society of Paediatric Radiology. Volker Keller, Fujifilm SonoSite GmbH’s Senior Marketing Manager for Germany & Austria, launched the device last November at MEDICA 2015 Torsten Walther is Country Manager for Germany The SonoSite iViz ultrasound system

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