Easiness. .artundworkdesignbüro OASIS 1.2T Open high-field efficiency with patient-centric architecture You make use of advanced high-field imaging capabilities to drive your workflow efficiency. Your patients experience a truly spacious and reassuring examination environment, securing fast diagnosis. www.hitachi-medical-systems.com OASIS IS THE WORLD’S MOST POWERFUL OPEN MRI SYSTEM. RZ Ad_OASIS_210x297+3mm_EU Hospital_e_15-12-14_RZ Ad_OASIS_210x297+3mm_EU Hospital_e_15-12-14 15.12.14 15:44 Seite 1 www.european-hospital.com 7RADIOLOGY Improved MRI access for cardioverter defibrillator implant patients MorphMatch technology allows 3T scanning Cardiovascular technology specialist Biotronik has launched a new series of single and dual chamber implant- able cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) and cardiac resynchronisa- tion therapy defibrillators (CRT-Ds). ‘The Iperia/Itrevia/Inventra series gained CE approval in July 2014 and marked its first implantations world- wide in mid-July,’ the multinational biomedical technology firm reports. ‘With its ProMRI technology, Biotronik is the first and only com- pany to offer heart failure patients CRT-Ds and leads that can undergo MRI scans. Patients with single- chamber ICDs can take advantage of 3Tesla MRI scans with an exclusion zone. Both single and dual chamber ICD patients are eligible for 1.5T full-body scans.’ To track the MR state of implant- able devices, the firm also recently launched ProMRI SystemCheck. Dr Klaus-Jürgen Gutleben, inter- nal medicine and cardiology phy- sician at the Heart and Diabetes Centre in North Rhine-Westphalia, where 200-300 patients receive CRT implants annually, intends to pro- vide patients with CRT solutions approved for MRIs. ‘MRI diagnostics are very important for my younger patients, who are better off avoid- ing radiation from X-rays or CT scans and patients with comorbidi- ties like brain tumours, which are best diagnosed with high-resolution images,’ he explained. ‘For such patients I’d recommend an implant that can undergo MRI scans, such as the Iperia CRT-D and the Sentus QP lead.’ The Sentus QP lead eases the implantation process by giving phy- sicians better access to challenging vessels. Sentus QP represents the industry’s first quadripolar left-ven- tricular lead to be approved for MRI use, the company reports. ‘It offers stable lead positioning in the coro- nary sinus and various electronic repositioning options to select the optimal stimulation site.’ Dr Gutleben: ‘When deciding on the right device for my heart fail- ure patients, I want to ensure they will benefit as much as possible from cardiac resynchronisation ther- ap. Clinical evidence demonstrates that patients have reduced mortal- ity when they receive fewer inap- propriate shocks. We also know it can greatly improve their mental well being and satisfaction with the therapy. Detection criteria and morphology analysis help to ensure my patients only receive the therapy they need.’ ‘The new ICDs reduce inappropri- ate shocks with MorphMatch mor- phology detection criteria and opti- mised anti-tachycardia pacing (ATP), making it easier to give a patient exactly the level of pacing therapy he or she might need,’ Biotronik explains. ‘While delivering shocks at the right time can save patients’ lives, minimising shocks improves patients’ quality of life.’ Wolf Ruhnke, Vice President at Biotronik, also added that the IN-TIME study demonstrated that Biotronik Home Monitoring reduced heart failure patients’ mortality by over 50 percent. Patients with ProMRI defibrillators can undergo MRI scans Images:Biotronik RZ Ad_OASIS_210x297+3mm_EU Hospital_e_15-12-14_RZ Ad_OASIS_210x297+3mm_EU Hospital_e_15-12-1415.12.1415:44 Seite 1