
When scientific curiosity paves the way for improved healthcare: Read more about promising studies and trials that lead to more effective drugs, procedures as well as medical guidelines.


News • Strengthening the immune defense

STAb-T: new immunotherapy method shows promise against lung cancer

STAb-T, a new form of immunotherapy to treat solid tumours shows therapeutic potential in animal models with non-small cell lung cancer. The new strategy is designed to strengthen the defensive cells.


News • AnWj blood group antigen

MAL: new blood group system discovered

Researchers identified the genetic background of the previously known but mysterious AnWj blood group antigen. The findings allow identification and treatment of patients lacking this blood group.


News • When red means bad (for the heart)

Nutri-Score hints at foods that increase CVD risk

The Nutri-Score is designed to provide consumers with information on nutritional quality. New research reveals that the ratings also correspond with the cardiovascular health impact of the products.


Article • UK research project

"Our Future Health": Shifting from curative to preventive care

As a result from better living standards and medical advances, population longevity increases – a development which, paradoxically, current healthcare systems are ill-prepared for, Sir John Bell points out. The UK’s Our Future Health programme, which he chairs, exemplifies the paradigm shift to a prevention-centered healthcare approach.


News • Checkpoint inhibitor research

Five key factors predict response to cancer immunotherapy

Only 20-40% of patients respond positively to immunotherapy, and these rates vary across different types of cancer. Researchers now identified five key factors that determine response and survival.


News • Protective mucus layer

Studies assess damage from antibiotic use on the gut microbiome

The microbiome – bacteria in the GI tract – is essential for digesting food and training the immune system. New studies explore how repeated antibiotic use can upset this delicate system.


News • Multimodal analysis

Immunotherapy: tumour microenvironment holds clues to treatment success

Currently, it is difficult to predict whether a cancer patient will respond to immunotherapy or not. A new method to quantify the heterogeneity of the tumour microenvironment aims to improve this.

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