LABORATORY/PATHOLOGY 11 Improving quality and efficiency Preparing for artificial intelligence in clinical laboratories Some year in this decade, AI tools will become ubiquitous within clinical laboratories. AI has the potential to increase the accuracy of laboratory testing and improve the quality and effi- ciency of operations and service of testing labs. Clinical laboratorians must prepare to help lead this initiative, for their knowledge will be the key to suc- cessful implementation. They need to learn how AI algorithms are de- veloped and validated, how to jus- tify and analyze impact from the perspective of clinical laboratory medicine, and how to implement them to best benefit the patient and the hospital. Several scientific sessions at the 2023 Association for Diagnostics and Laboratory Medi- cine (formerly the AACC) Annual Scientific Meeting focused on this topic. AI is in its naissance in medical lab development, and this was very ap- parent in the technical exhibition of the ADLM/AACC meeting. David McClintock, MD, Chair of the Divi- sion of Computational Pathology and AI in the Department of Lab- oratory Medicine and Pathology of Mayo Clinic, pointed out that only 30 out of the 941 exhibitors at the meeting included the terms “ar- tificial intelligence“ (AI) and/or “machine learning“ (ML) in their product/company descriptions on the AACC exhibitor website. Ten companies included ‚analytics‘ in their description, but only four were separate analytics-based com- panies selling clinical lab AI/ML software. ‚This is an emerging space, just as radiology PACS was 30 years ago,‘ McClintock said. ‚Now is the time to learn about it or perhaps even start to developing models that can benefit your lab.’ Uses of AI/ML in the lab There are numerous ways that both simple and complex AI tools can aid a clinical laboratory. These include: • Automated spectroscopic data analysis and disease detection; multivariate analysis of disease conditions; test interpretation; • Digital image analysis for microbiology, haematopathol- ogy, immunology, and foren- sics; • Data entry automation for spe- cific tasks and processes; • Creating standardised reports for lab test results and auto- mated entry into Laboratory In- formation System (LIS); test results • Minimising laboratory testing for inappropriate test orders, predicting from other available data on patient chart, and reducing redundancy and duplication of lab tests, based on prior type and date of tests already performed; concurs. ‚Will AI be replacing staff in labs ‘ he asked rhetorically. ‚Probably not. The practice of lab- oratory medicine has been con- stantly evolving, often due to in- creasing automation. I think that AI will be another tool in our tool bag, to aid in efficiency and quality control. With a steady increase in an aging population in the United States, we are going to need all the help we can get.‘ ■ Report: Cynthia E Keen Mayo Clinic clinical kidney stone workflow with machine learning. © Dr. David McClintock, Mayo Clinic • Data analytics for laboratory operations planning, such as predicting volume workflow, employee require- ments, etc.; staffing • Identifying and alerting for ab- normal test results; • Auto-verification of test results for quality control. Automating spectral analysis for kid- ney stones and fecal analysis Mayo Clinic spent six years devel- oping an AI model to automate the spectral analysis of stones passed by patients. It is based on the clas- sification of 708 unique kidney stone types. In the first 90 days of implementation, commencing April 2023, 20,000 stones have been re- viewed, 40% of which were newly able to be bulk auto-released to pa- tients’ medical records (EHR). the model was Before im- plemented, the conventional work- flow began with cleaning and dry- ing the stone, after which it was ground into a fine powder and manually analyzed with FTIR spec- troscopy. A technician manually entered the results into a LIS, fol- lowed by a second technician re- viewing the interpretation. Only then are results uploaded to a pa- tient’s electronic medical record (EHR). AI tool to automate multiple processes After evaluating how AI could im- prove workflow, reduce costs, and increase efficiency, the Kidney Stone lab at Mayo Clinic Rochester, in conjunction with an AI team from Mayo Clinic Florida, created an AI tool to automate multiple processes following FTIR spectra analysis. The AI model was trained on 70,000 kidney stone spectra and validated with 16,491 kidney stone spectra. Quality assurance required 81,517 kidney stone spectra. ‚This is a lot of data, which took a lot of then the it and work, and a lot of computing time,‘ commented McClintock. ‚But now the process is automated and is achieving our expectations. If a stone is not complex, the AI system classifies in- formation is automatically entered into the LIS and subsequently re- leased to the patient’s EHR. When it identifies a stone as complex, the results produced are manually flagged for review by a technician. The lab is now saving a lot of time, which equates to tangible cost sav- ings and opportunities for labora- tory staff work reduction/redi- rection.’ Other applications of AI in the clinical labs also exist, such as commercially developed AI tools in clinical microbiology to detect fecal ova and parasites (O&P). For most labs, up to 95% of O&P cases can be negative, and thus the pro- cess of reading slides can be mon- otonous. The investigational AI- assisted screening tool (Techcyte, Orem, UT) uses a convoluti onal neural network to identify and count parasite cysts and tropho- zoites, yeast, and red and white blood cells and groups them by class. Techcyte claims the tool is five times more sensitive than manual examination, with a sensitivity of 98.9%. It produces findings within 30 seconds instead of the average five minutes, automatically upload- ing negative findings to a LIS. Posi- tive samples are flagged for tech- nologist review and assessment. At Mayo Clinic, this test has just been implemented, with initial impres- sions positive by laboratory staff who can now remotely review slides, improving employee experi- ence. What clinical lab managers need to think about ‚Don’t get enamoured with AI for your lab,‘ McClintock cautioned. ‚Always remember a clinical lab’s primary objective: to deliver the right information to the right per- son at the right place and right time in the right way. No system today can integrate all potential outputs of AI tools,‘ he em- phasized. ‚LIS, EHR, and middle- ware solutions take considerable effort to integrate with any AI tool without encumbering the pathol- ogist, laboratorian, or clinician. For starters, you need to think about data governance, data pipelines, regulatory guidelines, ethical re- view, custom programming and coding, computational computing power, either locally or in the cloud, cybersecurity, and risk man- agement. ‘Don’t forget the cost and availabil- ity of AI maintenance, support and quality control, which all require new IT support skills. There are also AI specific tools, such as al- gorithm drift. And then, in the end, will the AI tool save you enough money or at some point be re- imbursable so that it can pay for itself ’ to Understanding the barriers and challenges Experts recommend that lab man- agers need to focus on generating clinical evidence for AI benefits and understand the barriers and challenges implementation when they select a tool. New train- ing on AI is essential. In general, experts recommend implementing the new tool while still keeping the existing system functioning, to give practitioners time to learn and get comfortable with AI while main- taining the status quo as back-up. McClintock also described a new framework for clinical AI life cycle implementation, from idea gener- ation to final validation, go-live, and system maintenance. By adopt- ing a similar AI lifecycle, he en- couraged attendees to embrace the potential of AI in their labs. Co-presenter Christopher Lee Wil- liams, MD, Assistant Professor of Pathology at the University of Ok- lahoma Health Sciences Center, Christopher Lee Williams Christopher Lee Williams, MD, is the Director of Informatics in the De- partment of Pathology at the Univer- sity of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center in Oklahoma City, where he also serves as an Assistant Professor Dr Williams’ current research inter- ests include how to operationalise AI tools for analysis and reporting in the laboratory setting, and in opti- mizing UI/UX design for laboratory workflows. David McClintock David McClintock, MD, is the Chair of the Division of Computational Pa- thology and Artificial Intelligence within the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology at Mayo Clinic in Rochester. His primary clini- cal interests include clinical in- formatics, laboratory workflow optimisation, digital pathology im- plementation, analytics, and clinical ML/AI model deployment. His re- search interests include understand- ing the role and effects of digital pathology within the clinical labora- tories and the use of AI and ML for improved diagnostics, more efficient workflows, and better patient out- comes.