I N F E C T I O N P R E V E N T I O N 1 5 Gaining back ground lost to bacteria Antibiotic resistance in France less bothered by the Staphylococci is because new molecules have become available giving us new therapeutic options. But for Gram- negatives our choices are much more limited. The pipeline is empty, very few molecules have come out and they are not the panacea, we don’t have a miracle cure yet.’ This is always the difficult part, to translate data into practice. This is complicated by the fact that while we scientists gather the information, its dissemination is political. We can give our advice, for example we can say that a mechanism of resist- ance is emerging, but it’s out of our hands. France consumes more antibiotics than many other European coun- tries – almost 30% more than average. Shockingly, outpatient pre- scriptions are twice the number of those in Germany or the United Kingdom, countries of comparable socio-economic standing. Factors that cause antibiotic resistance ‘A good antibiotic will lead to resist- ance because bacteria are fighting for survival. Resistance arises from a combination of factors. The most important is the overuse and/or mis- use of antibiotics on a global, not individual level. ‘Everything done in veterinary medicine and animal husbandry will have a knock-on effect on humans. Using antibiotics to fatten animals, pigs, chickens, etc. shouldn’t be done, we need antibiotics for health. The use of antibiotics outside the hospital, in aquaculture and agri- culture releases large quantities of antibiotics into the environment where they can start to build up reservoirs of resistance. This needs to be reduced.’ French strategies that work ‘The Mission Spares which monitors resistance gives an overall vision of the situation. It allows us to com- pare ourselves with other countries to see what we are doing well or less well and, above all, to see the evolution. I think it’s extremely important to follow the epidemi- ology of resistance, regularly. We have multiplied by ten the number of species studied by the previous mission, which I think gives a more realistic idea of the situation than we had five or six years ago. ‘However, there is always a ques- tion mark over how we diffuse this information to the infectious disease specialists, to the doctors in the community to have action. ‘Decisions on antibiotics have to be coordinated and made on an international level, because if France does something and Belgium or Italy, for example, do nothing we’ll never solve the problem. Hypthetically, we can say that we’ll reduce the use of antibiotics in animal husbandry but China says it wants to continue to use colistin to fatten its chicken. Very quickly they’ll have resistant bacteria that will arrive here even faster than Covid-19 did.’ French antibiotic resistance ‘Hospital doctors are highly aware, especially those in large public (CHU) hospitals. I think the level of awareness is lower among gen- eral practice doctors, therefore we are seeing less antibiotic resistance in the community. In terms of the general public, I think they are not aware at all.’ Can we raise awareness? ‘There are, and have been, many campaigns run by social security to raise awareness amongst HCPs in hospitals and the community, for example for paediatricians, to limit antibiotic prescriptions for otitis. We see this worked because the amount of resistant Pneumococus, the bac- teria causing these ear infections, has reduced over the time since the campaign aired and awareness rose. Doctors now ask ‘Do I need to use an antibiotic for this patient, this time?’ Likewise patients need to learn not to expect a prescription every time, which is quite ingrained in the French. In other European countries, such as Denmark, it’s Medical reports, adding that the automation engineer regards the integrated LED frame as a particular highlight of the door signs, as well as the possibility of control via both hardware contacts and software. ‘These control options are central to GxP alarms for critical products,’ Rein Medical’s automation engineer Thomas Jahn explains. Data displayed comes directly from the company’s internal build- ing and room information system and is shown on the Doorsign displays. ‘This gives the employ- ees a better overview of what is happening in the laboratories and production rooms. Doorsign was easily integrated into Boehringer Ingelheim’s existing IT infrastruc- ture and offers tremendous added value by making processes trans- parent.’ Tried, tested and very satisfied ‘The introduction of all the com- ponents went smoothly,’ reflects Thomas Jahn. ‘When problems did occur, we always received help quickly. We’ve also always been able to make an appointment quickly with the support team.’ Publisher Mediengruppe Oberfranken – Fachverlage GmbH & Co. KG E.-C.-Baumann-Str. 5 95326 Kulmbach/Germany Phone +49 (0) 9221/949-311 Fax +49 (0) 9221/949-377 Editor-in-Chief: Brenda Marsh (BM) Editorial team: Wolfgang Behrends (WB), Sonja Buske (SB) Senior Writer: Mark Nicholls (MN), Great Britain Mélisande Rouger (MR), Spain Publishing Director: Mareike Scholze (MaS) Managing Directors: Walter Schweinsberg, Bernd Müller Founded by Heinz-Jürgen Witzke ISSN 0942-9085 Correspondents Austria: Michael Krassnitzer (MK) France: Jane MacDougall (JMD) Germany: Cornelia Wels-Maug (CWM), Karoline Laarmann (KL), Katrin Schreiter (KS) Dr Christina Czeschik (CC) Spain: Eduardo de la Sota (EdS) The Netherlands: Madeleine van de Wouw (MvW) USA: Cynthia E. Keen (CEK) Pharmacist Professor Laurent Dortet is Co-director of the Associated National Reference Centre for Antimicrobial Resistance and bacteriologist in the Bacteriology and Hygiene Department at the Kremlin-Bicêtre University Hospital, South of Paris. He completed his PhD in microbiology, then became a post- doctoral researcher at Imperial College, London, UK, before returning fulltime to his role at the Kremlin-Bicêtre University Hospital. the opposite. ‘The ‘antibiotics are not automatic’ campaign in 2018 worked really well, but this type of campaign needs to be regular but, too many public health messages cannot be given at once and, for now, there are other priorities.’ Possible solutions ‘One thing is to offer incentives to develop new antibiotics. Developing an antibiotic costs the same as any other medicine, but the return on investment is much lower; an anti- biotic is taken perhaps for a week, once in a patient’s lifetime; a statin is used every day for a patient’s lifetime. This is one reason we have no new molecules. If we want phar- maceutical companies to invest, we need to be inventive in ways to keep the process financially interesting, perhaps by extending patents for 30 or 40 years. ‘We also need to screen rapidly, to detect where resistance is occurring. This is part of my work, developing rapid diagnostic kits to detect resist- ance, so we can start appropriate antibiotic therapy fast, to prevent resistance having a chance and gain back the ground we’ve lost to bac- teria.’ Subscriptions Dorothea Fleischer, Theodor-Althoff-Str. 45, 45133 Essen, Germany Subscription rate 4 issues: 32 Euro, Single copy: 8 Euro. Send order and cheque to: European Hospital Subscription Dept Printed by: WVD, Möhrfelden, Germany Publication frequency: quarterly Representatives China & Hongkong: Gavin Hua, Sun China Media Co, Ltd. Phone: +86-0755-81 324 036 E-Mail: 627416876@qq.com Germany, Austria, Switzerland: Ralf Mateblowski Phone: +49 6735 912 993 E-Mail: rm@european-hospital.com France, Italy, Spain: Eric Jund Phone: +33 493 58 77 43 E-Mail: jund@european-hospital.com GB, Scandinavia, BeNeLux: Simon Kramer Phone: +31 180 6200 20 E-Mail: kramer@european-hospital.com Taiwan: Charles Yang Phone: +886 4 232 236 33 E-Mail: medianet@ms13.hinet.net USA & Canada: Hanna Politis, Media International Phone: +1 301 869 66 10 E-Mail: hanna@media-intl.com Maria Kaiser Phone: +1 250 726 4007 E-Mail: mkads@mac.com All company, brand and product names in this pub- lication are the property of their respective holders. Users must obtain permission from those holders before copying or using the owner’s trademarks, product and company names or logos. g n i r p s t h g i L / k c o t s r e t t u h s © Interview: Jane MacDougall As might be expected, this high rate of usage was accompanied over time by a worryingly constant increase in antibiotic resistance; at one point, for example, Escherichia coli resist- ance to 3rd generation cephalo- sporins increased every year for 10 years. However, the strict national plan in place since the beginning of the century appears to be having effect. Since 2016, there has been a downturn in resistance in both the community and nursing homes. What is the situation today and how can we ensure this promis- ing trajectory remains? We spoke with Laurent Dortet, Co-Director of the National Reference Centre for Antimicrobial Resistance. Major concerns ‘Antibiotic resistance is still a prob- lem in France, but no more than in other countries. Many of our neighbours have a greater prob- lem than France, for example Italy or Greece. Antibiotic resistance is a worldwide problem. The WHO has identified the most problematic bacteria, essentially Gram-negative organisms, the Enterobacterales, Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp., where resistance is caused by strains producing broad spectrum antibiotic degrading enzymes, such as carbapenamases. Also amongst the Gram-negatives there is car- bapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa. These bacteria are a particular problem because the Enterobacterales cause the majority of nosocomial infections. ‘On the other hand, while Staphylococcus aureus remains a significant pathogen, in France we have made major progress against MRSA over the past 20 years, from 30% to 15% methicillin resistance. That means we have halved our rate of MRSA. ‘Another reason we are IT system raises security and flow Knowing from outside what´s happening inside ‘This refers to the 40 door signs that Boehringer Ingelheim has been using since April 2021. ‘The cus- tomer’s employees saw the digital door signs during a meeting at our headquarters in Mönchengladbach and were immediately interested,’ recalls Dirk Lambertz, the compa- ny’s sales representative responsible for the project. ‘They were par- ticularly taken with the LED status display, which is quite unique in this form.’ They were also struck by the possibility of adding individual content to the door signs. At that time, Boehringer Ingelheim needed a digital display to provide employ- ees with key information about rooms and equipment on site. The display also had to meet the high requirements for peripheral devices within the production rooms. ‘After their cleanroom suitability had been successfully tested, the DOORSIGN displays were easily integrated into the IT infrastructure. The high flexibility of the elec- tronic door labels was helpful,’ Rein www.healthcare-in-europe.com